Buying A Home: The Good, The Bad …

It’s been four years since Matt and I became home owners. It was a surreal experience, one that neither of us had been through before. Naturally we learnt a lot about the buying process and used the internet to research…

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How To Save For Your First House …

From experience I know saving money can be hard! As someone who loves a bit of retail therapy or a nice holiday somewhere exotic, it takes a bit of dedication to save money each month. But it’s also so important!…

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8 Top Tips For First Time Buyers

Buying your first house is a huge lifetime mile-stone! It can feel like an exciting yet daunting experience. There are so many factors to consider and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. So it’s best to do some research and gather…

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Things You Should Consider Before Buying a …

Buying a first house is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make in your life- both emotionally and financially. It definitely felt like the most ‘adult decision’ I have made so far. It’s not just about finding a place to…

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