How To Lose 24 Pounds (And Keep It Off)

I am all for losing weight, although I am a big believer it should be done for the right reasons and done safely. There is a lot online on how to lose weight in 7 days or how to lose 2 stone is 6 weeks. You get to this point where you are desperate and just want to feel good as soon as possible! I fell into the trap of trying different diets: low-carb diets, Dukan (high protein), no-fat or just reduced calories. I think the biggest problem with a diet, is that in your mind they are short-lived. Eventually you go back to your normal diet and when you do the weight piles back on!

I never had a problem with weight until I reached my late teens. By the time I finished my first year of Uni I had put on 3 stone. So after my first year I decided I’d had enough and wanted to lose a bit of weight. I’d tried dieting and nothing was working, so I tried something different! Here are five tips that helped me lose 24 pounds (and keep it off):


First thing I did was change my attitude and outlook towards getting fit. In the past I would feel fed up of my weight and would start a ‘diet’; like limiting my calorie intake or going on a low carb/fat diet. But as soon as I’d lost 6lbs I would feel so happy then think ‘great don’t need to diet anymore‘ and would immediately pile the weight back on, plus some.

Changing my attitude towards getting fit was perhaps the single most important factor in my weight loss journey. Instead of it being a diet or the quickest way I could lose weight it was a lifestyle change. Everything you chose to do, the food you eat or the exercise you do has to be sustainable. You need to be able to maintain this not just for a few weeks or months, but something you can continue year on year.


Not only does water help you lose weight but it is so good for your skin and your energy. Having good energy is important for exercise and being able to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For some reason drinking enough water feels hard. Looking back I think I might only have 1 or 2 glasses of water a day, which was no where near enough the recommended 2 litres of water (approx. 8 glasses).

Buying a water bottle can help you with settling into a good routine. Bottles with time schedules printed on the side can be a good prompt for during the day. I try to drink 500ml of water every 3 hours from when I wake up.

Move More

First things first, it’s important to look at how active you are. If like me you’re starting from nothing it’s tough to set yourself a goal of 1 hour gym sessions 5 days a week. Principle is you just have to move more. Set yourself a daily step goal. If your current step count is 0 then try 2,000 or if you are joining a gym make sure you set yourself a goal you can maintain every week! Do whatever feels good for you.

Exercise classes, exercise guides or joining a gym can be a great way to keep you motivated. Having a commitment can help keep you on track. Investing in a step counter can help motivate you to reach daily fitness goals.

Stop Snacking

Stick to 3 meals a day and cut out those in-between meal snacks. Not only is snacking not good for your health, it isn’t good for your teeth- something I only learned recently.

Don’t be afraid of eating slightly more at your meal-time if it’s going to allow you to cut out snacking. If you’re eating less at meals (to be calorie deficient) then you’re more likely to get hungry and reach for a snack.


Not only is sleep good for your health, it improves your daily productivity after you’ve had a good nights rest. You’ll find more energy to start moving more; getting to the gym or going a walk. The recommended time is 8 hours of sleep, which should help improve your mood and motivation!


There you have it, 5 simple ways I lost 24 pounds. Honestly I used to think losing that amount of weight was only possible being on a strict diet or exercising like crazy. But it doesn’t have to be that hard, a good attitude, a healthy balanced diet, drinking water, moving more and consistency was all it took. Keep reminding yourself of the reasons why you’re on this journey. It will take time but it will be worth it!

Remember whatever size or shape, you are beautiful!