Hey, I’m Abbie and welcome to my lifestyle blog, Info With Abbie.
I’m so excited to have you here, however you might have stumbled across my little corner of the web.
Here on, Info With Abbie, you can follow my journey navigating adult life.
How It All Started…
So far, I have followed what most people would call the ‘traditional route’. I completed my A levels, went to University, graduated and then got a job. I always wanted to help people and felt working for the NHS was a good fit for me. So I’ve been working in a hospital now for almost 6 years.
I met my husband, Matt, during my time at Uni and I couldn’t imagine my life without him. In 2020, 2 days before the first lockdown, we brought our first house together and truthfully I think that was when Info With Abbie first started. I was fascinated reading other people’s home buying stories and wanted to share our experience.
How it’s going…
Initially the idea was to share our home buying experience but the harsh reality of ‘adult life’ hit me. Unfortunately, there were now bills to pay. I was so worried about how we were going to save any money again. That’s when I was introduced to passive incomes. It was a whole new world to me. But after a very expensive few years the idea of generating a few extra pennies was quite exciting. So my idea of blogging changed. How cool would it be to share my experience of trying to make some extra money too?
I won’t lie I’m not a finance expert and have no background business knowledge. I’m just your average person with a big dream. There are loads of success stories out there, making you believe that dreams can come true. So let’s buy into it, for just one second.. What would you love to do?
My dream… Getting married and build my own house! I was lucky enough to tick one off of those dreams in 2023, when Matt and I got married after 8 years together. But we’re still working on the dream house. Current ideas of how to afford it.. Win the lottery? Find 100K under a rock?
In other words, I’m going to have to figure this out some other way. That’s what Info With Abbie is all about. My experience of trying to achieve the dream.
I want to talk about property, money, personal life, travel and more.. So welcome! I’d love it if you stick around to experience this journey with me.
Lots of love